Entertainment and Holidays...
Below are our articles on the subject of Entertainment and Holidays. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Bargain Birthday Celebrations
Birthdays on a budget can still be fun. Ideas on low-cost birthday celebrations....

Cheap Dates: Dating on a Budget
Just because you're on a budget doesn't mean you can't date....

Cheap Ideas for Family Days Out
Family days out don't have to cost a fortune....

Christmas Budget
Find out how to celebrate Christmas in style without breaking the bank....

Getting the Best Fuel Economy from Your Car
By making just a few minor adjustments to your car, you can improve it's fuel economy without spending any extra money....

Getting the Cheapest Flights and Train Fares
Budget travelling, find cheap train fares and air fares....

Halloween: Cheap Fancy Dress Ideas
Ideas for cheap and easy Halloween costumes and party decorations....

How to Host a Dinner Party on a Low Budget
Thinking of hosting a dinner party but don't want to break the bank? This article offers some simple tips to hosting a dinner party on a low budget....

How to Visit London on a Low Budget
If you're counting the pennies and you think a visit to London will stretch the budget, then this article is here to prove otherwise! London has many free attractions…...

Ideas for fun and Cheap Nights in
Staying in is the new going out: ideas for fun nights at home...

Low Cost Holiday Ideas
Ideas for fun holidays on a budget....

Planning an Affordable Holiday
Getting the best holiday deals is all down to good planning...

Planning your Wedding on a Budget
You can still have a beautiful wedding on a budget....

Saving Money on Nights Out
Go out and have fun while still saving money....

School Holiday Savings
Ideas for keeping the costs down during the school holidays?...

Student Moneysaving Tips
Tips for living the student high life on a low budget....

The Benefits of Car Pooling
Car pooling is a relatively new idea in the UK. Find out how sharing a lift with other commuters could help you save money and reduce your stress levels!...